Monday, October 5, 2009


The questions erupting in a curious mind
Are always to be answered calmly…
Leaving them unanswered are a disaster in itself…
Incorrect answers will muddle their intellect

Fear should be weeded out from its origin
Before enhancing the rich soil of intelligence
The mind is irrigated with the qualities of generosity…
The seed of kindness is sown…

The sapling is dormant, still…
The sunshine of knowledge yet untouched
The magic of life touches the seed…
Instills in it the desire to grow…

The first shoot sprouts, breaking the barriers of
The oppressive hurdles of soil,
Receives the warm light of life,
Glimpses the vast-vast world for the first time…

It does not look back at his past,
But his roots are well connected to it…
The water of experience guides him
Through his turbulent path..

The branches reach out towards eternity
In search of the divine knowledge …
The labour brings forth the fruit
It ripens under the nurture of nature…

Alas! The fruit snatched upon by
The hungry scavengers,
The warmth and love plucked ruthlessly…
The work of a lifetime disgraced…

The tree grows on, impervious
To the act of violence
Offering the fruits and flowers of her strive
To the boundless greed of the world…

Implanting its seeds in the
Soothing soil of her home…
To continue the task of compassion…
Till the end of time…

Till centuries, the trees grow,
Untouched by the evil without
Silently bearing the burdens
Thrust upon it by others…

Enlightened is the one who,
Gathering wisdom from the trees,
Is inspired to correct his attitude
And transform his life like the noble trees…

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Mirror Image

The infinite seas with hidden pearls in its depths are the inspiration to her tears, which flow from the infinite past to eternity...
And every night as she prays for deliverance, in silence, extending gratefulness for the ability to cry...
To shed a few mortal tears before embracing the immortal pain..

This pain seems to go on and on, bringing along with a few simple moments of joy...
it surprises her that she is still capable of it...

There is not as such a sadness in her heart that she can place a finger upon
She believes she is lucky to have got what the rest can only dream about... and is not thankless for it...
But the heart is a hard thing to please... always greedy for attention.. affection...
only ink and paper are the leaders of her life... it is through them she lives and her worst fear is that eventually they will discard her as a snake sheds its skin...
she is the strong and unsurpassable fortress as seen from outside...
on the inside a brittle glass heart exists...
Swinging from one path to the other... getting hurt as much as it can bear and then smashing into a million pieces.. she collects these pieces with tenderness befitting a sorceress pitying her victim...
With each fall She gains an experience, locks it up safely and draws courage from it...

only one person has entered these fortressed walls... somebody that is so similar to her yet essentially different... someone, whose actions she can almost predict...
but is, at times, blown away by his incredible responses ...

They could have been complements... Mirror images of each other...
She can feel that he is as brave as she is afraid...
He is as quiet as she is boisterous in front of him...
she, who rarely initiates a conversation is afraid that he might say something of relevance or make a suggestion that may destroy the purity of that moment...
unknown to her a switch is flicked inside her and she cannot stay calm...

She believes that in a way he knows that there is something unusual about their bond...
At times his carelessness strikes her ... At times he is hurt by her conscious efforts...
They are struck by the fragility of their bond... They are speechless for a moment..He turns away...
She chides herself for her heart's naive imagination.. relives their exchange... locks it up in the caverns if memory...
I wonder what their bond was... I guess I'll never find out... I guess I'll never want to...

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Birth is destiny's choice. I, a mere instrument.
But i chose to be born in struggling times.
Towards eternity my journey is...
But my goal is fixed...

On the road of labour, we witness the plays of life,
Learning from the falls, rising from the ashes.
On this road my siblings lament.
Along with me, they are breaking upon the shackles.
Shackles of oppression that we are unable to define,
And dare not judge...
Till yesterday you ruled...

Through fear does courage spring forth.
Till yesterday, fear was revered, secretly,
For breaking through the strongest characters known,
For following history and sometimes leading...
For shifting through the rulers and the ruled alternatively...
Fear was the witness and in turn it is being witnessed now...

Who rules today? And who submits?
Today, of all days, latent power has been unveiled
In all its majesty and horrific splendour...
Everyone is discontent, unrest seeps through your fortress walls...
Walls that are as porous as the bread that is sought by the multitude...

Now we see the chafing skin beneath our shackled limbs,
Which we have been feeling through ages...
And now we reclaim our weapons
With which we reaped the crops that fattened you...
When our children starved...

We dare now, we demand,
We strip our fear of the courtsy and lay it bare
That is what gives us courage...

These long chains of depressed humans exhibiting your prowess till yesterday
Are today treading on desert sands, cutting through forests, crossing oceans...
Reaching out to our brothers and sisters...

Today, we have realised our goal,
We have reborn from the depths of despair...
We have repossessed our right to live...
For it is we who truly live,
You, only exist...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

inspiration and strength

Be yourself... Be strong enough to face the world each day. Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything. Be generous to those who need your help. Be frugal with what you need yourself. Be wise enough to know that you do not know everything. Be foolish enough to believe in miracles. Be willing to share your joys. Be willing to share the sorrows of others. Be a leader when you see a path others have missed. Be a follower when you are shrouded in the midst of uncertainty. Be the first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds. Be the last to criticize a colleague who fails. Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not stumble. Be sure of your final destination, in case you are going the wrong way. Be loving to those who love you. Be loving to those who do not love you, and they may change. Above all, be yourself

the five elements

Water, so pure, formless, attaining infinite forms.
Noiseless in the calm ocean and gurgling in the wild wild brook…
Poison, the menacing, chemical war
Corroding, attacking with sickness and scar…

Fire, inspiring, instilling, restoring,
Purifying everything it consumes...
Desire, the selfish demon of passion,
Destroying, terrorizing, razing to dust…

Earth, ever patient, generous and loving
Giving, forgiving, gracefully growing...
Pride, the creed of mighty warriors,
Refusing, ignoring the pleas of innocent…

Ether, expanding, the tranquil space…
To look insightfully at one’s mistakes…
Cities of tumult, no peace no calm…

Air, the sweet and revitalizing,
To clear the mind of evil thoughts.
Where will the distressed go for solace??
Smoke, the hazardous shadow of death,
Can anyone escape from it?

Look, we are of one kind,
Why there is pollution of mind?
Rethink of your actions in greed
They are the ultimate ruin’s seed

Arise, awake, and build a new law
Where your judgments are not a flaw
Stop the wheel of self annihilation
Reinforce the hope of millions…

Nature, the mother of all creatures,
Growing the little buds of love,
Looking fondly at the harmonious joy
Of her children toiling for their fruits

At last the labor of unity
Has brought forth a lovely haven of humanity
For the new era of progress and planning
To create and sustain till eternity…

one world

Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try,No hell below us, above us only sky,Imagine all the people, living for today.Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do,Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too,Imagine all the people, living life in peace.You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one,I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can,No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man,Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one,I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one


The pen is picked up with a mighty effort
For words are inscribed for eternity
Courage is not gifted to all,
To mirror thoughts as they are…

Many a stories are told, speeches delivered,
Poems recited and myths unfurled…
But only truth remains unchanged, pure…
Alone in the heights of lies…

History speaks for itself, the bloodshed
Caused by man is due to the ignorance
Of truth that is hidden within himself
Never is too late , now in the spur of the moment,

Grasp the power within your reach
Before it is lost forever…
Every battle waged is against oneself
Before you cut he roots of love,
Pause a while to reflect…

What is gained by the violent word?
More hurtful than a mortal wound,
That kills the spirit of hope,
What good is that war?

In the ages of despair,
Sow a word of kindness…Rather than of hatred,
Lend a ray of hope to the millions who stray in darkness…
Do not inflict upon the darkest sinner,
But eradicate the cause of his sin…

Then truly the arrival of a leader,
Shall be looked upon…
That one who leads is not leader
But one who is followed by masses…