Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Mirror Image

The infinite seas with hidden pearls in its depths are the inspiration to her tears, which flow from the infinite past to eternity...
And every night as she prays for deliverance, in silence, extending gratefulness for the ability to cry...
To shed a few mortal tears before embracing the immortal pain..

This pain seems to go on and on, bringing along with a few simple moments of joy...
it surprises her that she is still capable of it...

There is not as such a sadness in her heart that she can place a finger upon
She believes she is lucky to have got what the rest can only dream about... and is not thankless for it...
But the heart is a hard thing to please... always greedy for attention.. affection...
only ink and paper are the leaders of her life... it is through them she lives and her worst fear is that eventually they will discard her as a snake sheds its skin...
she is the strong and unsurpassable fortress as seen from outside...
on the inside a brittle glass heart exists...
Swinging from one path to the other... getting hurt as much as it can bear and then smashing into a million pieces.. she collects these pieces with tenderness befitting a sorceress pitying her victim...
With each fall She gains an experience, locks it up safely and draws courage from it...

only one person has entered these fortressed walls... somebody that is so similar to her yet essentially different... someone, whose actions she can almost predict...
but is, at times, blown away by his incredible responses ...

They could have been complements... Mirror images of each other...
She can feel that he is as brave as she is afraid...
He is as quiet as she is boisterous in front of him...
she, who rarely initiates a conversation is afraid that he might say something of relevance or make a suggestion that may destroy the purity of that moment...
unknown to her a switch is flicked inside her and she cannot stay calm...

She believes that in a way he knows that there is something unusual about their bond...
At times his carelessness strikes her ... At times he is hurt by her conscious efforts...
They are struck by the fragility of their bond... They are speechless for a moment..He turns away...
She chides herself for her heart's naive imagination.. relives their exchange... locks it up in the caverns if memory...
I wonder what their bond was... I guess I'll never find out... I guess I'll never want to...

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