Saturday, March 7, 2009

the five elements

Water, so pure, formless, attaining infinite forms.
Noiseless in the calm ocean and gurgling in the wild wild brook…
Poison, the menacing, chemical war
Corroding, attacking with sickness and scar…

Fire, inspiring, instilling, restoring,
Purifying everything it consumes...
Desire, the selfish demon of passion,
Destroying, terrorizing, razing to dust…

Earth, ever patient, generous and loving
Giving, forgiving, gracefully growing...
Pride, the creed of mighty warriors,
Refusing, ignoring the pleas of innocent…

Ether, expanding, the tranquil space…
To look insightfully at one’s mistakes…
Cities of tumult, no peace no calm…

Air, the sweet and revitalizing,
To clear the mind of evil thoughts.
Where will the distressed go for solace??
Smoke, the hazardous shadow of death,
Can anyone escape from it?

Look, we are of one kind,
Why there is pollution of mind?
Rethink of your actions in greed
They are the ultimate ruin’s seed

Arise, awake, and build a new law
Where your judgments are not a flaw
Stop the wheel of self annihilation
Reinforce the hope of millions…

Nature, the mother of all creatures,
Growing the little buds of love,
Looking fondly at the harmonious joy
Of her children toiling for their fruits

At last the labor of unity
Has brought forth a lovely haven of humanity
For the new era of progress and planning
To create and sustain till eternity…

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