Sunday, June 21, 2009


Birth is destiny's choice. I, a mere instrument.
But i chose to be born in struggling times.
Towards eternity my journey is...
But my goal is fixed...

On the road of labour, we witness the plays of life,
Learning from the falls, rising from the ashes.
On this road my siblings lament.
Along with me, they are breaking upon the shackles.
Shackles of oppression that we are unable to define,
And dare not judge...
Till yesterday you ruled...

Through fear does courage spring forth.
Till yesterday, fear was revered, secretly,
For breaking through the strongest characters known,
For following history and sometimes leading...
For shifting through the rulers and the ruled alternatively...
Fear was the witness and in turn it is being witnessed now...

Who rules today? And who submits?
Today, of all days, latent power has been unveiled
In all its majesty and horrific splendour...
Everyone is discontent, unrest seeps through your fortress walls...
Walls that are as porous as the bread that is sought by the multitude...

Now we see the chafing skin beneath our shackled limbs,
Which we have been feeling through ages...
And now we reclaim our weapons
With which we reaped the crops that fattened you...
When our children starved...

We dare now, we demand,
We strip our fear of the courtsy and lay it bare
That is what gives us courage...

These long chains of depressed humans exhibiting your prowess till yesterday
Are today treading on desert sands, cutting through forests, crossing oceans...
Reaching out to our brothers and sisters...

Today, we have realised our goal,
We have reborn from the depths of despair...
We have repossessed our right to live...
For it is we who truly live,
You, only exist...

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