Monday, February 27, 2012

the state of existence

which story do i tell you of the ones born out of the depthless chaos of my mind
i try to bring some order to it so that people may reach out to me,
rather than stand befuddled in their steps.
i've seen it in your eyes, a sudden spark of understanding that you felt
when i opened my heart to you, and showed you the senseless prattle of guilt and puzzlement.
and i saw the pity. yes, i have pain, but of a different kind.
its sweet and tangy and leaves a bitter aftertaste.
like a story that eludes the reader of its secretive endings.
i have hop ein music, fore it dares to accept what people dont
they are happy in musical epiphanies and lyrical truths.
just dont bring it into our daily lives. for we will protest. ferociously.
ah, the subconscious defenses play out their sinister human, how freudian..
i laugh at myself, its as if my worlds are stuck at different entrances to the same place.
and cant get past their single fixations.
ill keep singing listening, watching and laughing and when i meet myself at some crossroad,
ill write to you to let you know, i saw myself in you today, ill mett you in my past tomorrow.

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