Monday, February 27, 2012

the hall of shame

i said i'm right

But no one heard me

My path belongs to light

But they'll kill me

I was a witness but it wont count

their gods are of lies but truth comes around

The day they laughed at my weakness

they hid their cowardice

when they mocked my humility

they proved their malice

their trees bear fruits of spite and hate

crumbling saplings at an alarming rate

I'll tell you the story, pray listen

But it wont help if tears glisten

I saw a cruel deed and i spoke

I spoke to reveal their master stroke

They killed hope in its purest form

they plunged into its heart a thorn

the girl was young innocent alone

her dreams through her her dark eyes shone

They surrounded her in sinister desires

yto cool their savage apirit of fires

now im in front of you

listen to the truth and act, i beg you.

dont let the single voice of reason

die, dont replace it with treason

you are men of honour, courage and wisom

dont bow your head in might's kingdom

so what they are large in numbers

salvage the truth before it crumbles

they stand with their riches beauty and false standards

remove the curtain theyre coward monsters

let the halls of justice not be maligned

let your children see how truth you define

let not our past our present betray

let the path of might not lead us astray

let no girl with hopes agin be crushed

let her innocent dream not be hushed

let men be honoured only by truth

let us be deaf to the language uncouth

let us forge a heart of steel

let no one our right to speak steal

let us grow a tree of respect

let us an honest world beget

let no witness be woeful like me

let not the violent soul go free

let us sing tales that inspire

let each spirit have a spirit to inquire

i rest my case your honour

now you decide, what you honour.

the state of existence

which story do i tell you of the ones born out of the depthless chaos of my mind
i try to bring some order to it so that people may reach out to me,
rather than stand befuddled in their steps.
i've seen it in your eyes, a sudden spark of understanding that you felt
when i opened my heart to you, and showed you the senseless prattle of guilt and puzzlement.
and i saw the pity. yes, i have pain, but of a different kind.
its sweet and tangy and leaves a bitter aftertaste.
like a story that eludes the reader of its secretive endings.
i have hop ein music, fore it dares to accept what people dont
they are happy in musical epiphanies and lyrical truths.
just dont bring it into our daily lives. for we will protest. ferociously.
ah, the subconscious defenses play out their sinister human, how freudian..
i laugh at myself, its as if my worlds are stuck at different entrances to the same place.
and cant get past their single fixations.
ill keep singing listening, watching and laughing and when i meet myself at some crossroad,
ill write to you to let you know, i saw myself in you today, ill mett you in my past tomorrow.

Friday, February 3, 2012

God For Sale?

I used to see god every day,
In faces well known and loved...
Those faces stood for all the good,
The grace and glory in the world.
Ihad found God through quests
Amongst books, idols and morals,
And elected Him to guide my way.
I gre older and i saw my Godcowering
In the dark challenges thrown his way.

Blood had flown in his name,
People used him for fame,
Looked at him in disdain,
And accused him for being vain.
My god had failed, and so i had.
i carried the sins, My God was bad.

There i sat remorse writhing in my gut
When i heard her singing softly.
She didn't stop as i glared at her.
She sang of love, her eyes a soul-mirror.
She sang of God's victories,
The fables that changed histories
He wasn't a God i'd heard about.
She must have seen him without a doubt.

The prayer wasn't a hymn for mercy
It was a joyful song of miracles
Miracles of science, wonders of nature, and
The strength of humans unnoticed.

She stopped singing, it was quiet.
My breathing was laboured, my heart tired.
Tired of bearing the cross too long,
For being punished for another's wrong.
For defending a false god i'd burned,
At a stake that ought to be turned
Into the heart of that whose fault it was.
Not me, but my mind, confused it was.

I'd not looked at god for inspiration,
I'd not celebrated life in its motions,
For my mistakes i'd not repented,
I'd accused others when i was the one demented.

Yes, every crime has a lament in it,
Every good deed, a choice before it.
Every hope has a risk of getting crushed.
Every moment has something not to be rushed.

I may not change my life in a day,
I've seen that my god was astray.
I've decluttered the mess in my head.
I've paved a path in my heart for him to tread.