Sunday, July 14, 2013

Origin of Thoughts

Are any of our thoughts our own?
Do we disguise it under inspiration, learning and wisdom passed on.
when do we say, "in my opinion," when do we contest it with our own truth?
If we do argue and surrender and reform, and conclude a revised but clear judgment,
Are we sure that it wont take a cycle of its own to cloud our minds through others' repetition. 
And thus we do make friends and foes when different languages sculpt the same opinion.
Sculptures of stone, marble, wood and jade. Gifting symbols without that story retained.
Wit and rhythm may dress it fine, with varied colors and forms sublime. 
But if u still want to sing your refrain 
Shower arguments escalated ,in vain
Be my guest comment and pass by
Ill be sure to see it and collect it as mine.


  1. ahhh.... still figuring out this riddle of origins of thought! =( reminds me of the metro convo from the seminar... ;(
    nice rythm to the piece...

  2. yes, all those conversations!!! my greatest fear currently is loss of memory. which has already come true partially. things fade in and fade out. sometimes my writing is repetitive, makes me wonder whether i have actually added to my experience or not.
