Friday, February 12, 2010


Sitting in the fading sun, thinking of you,
wondering what went wrong, where the winds blew.
where the road forked and where i went astray.
i would've still been at your side but you kept me away.

Blocking your thoughts, im trying to move on
but memories raining take me where i truly belong.
grey's the color that's haunting me these days,
Faded jeans and empty cups is what it pays.

What do you do when you turn into someone else?
Dreaming your old dreams, a trapped life in spells.
when a smile surprises you but tears you can sympathise with...
when all expectations die and joy becomes a myth.

Now I'm trying to fix the puzzle, looking for the broken pieces of my life.
Living with the tiniest ray of hope that someday you'll end this strife.
Knowing you as you are has been my greatest luck,
and if you don't return after this you should know that you're a schmuck...


  1. nice...
    if u like
    plz try ,my heart touching stories

  2. Not for this just one poem.. for all the above..

    It looks like the SILENCE of LOVE to self
    words that comes from LIFE deep from MANAS..
    that is in SILENCE and is that your POEM !!..



  3. thank you sir for your encouraging words. i hope my writing remains true to the Self.
