Sunday, November 10, 2013

Search: Optimism, About 24,800,000 results (0.20 seconds)

Optimism begins with a look.
To be able to see what is in plain sight
Untie the blinders
Of pretense...
Of hurried half hearted self assurance…
Sometimes its in the shaking of the head,
An acknowledgment of one's own silliness
Or in the shrug of the shoulders,
Of not caring about what others',
Once you've made up your mind
And after all that, if you find yourself wrong
Optimism is in acceptance
And a sheepish grin.
And it is in trying out as many new paths
As the maps can plot
And then to plot some of your own
Sometimes it is in the belief:
That friendship can "happen" to you
That optimism is a shared drug
A group hallucination,
That works...
Sometimes it is in stories
In listening
In keeping quiet
And being a witness to optimism.
There is optimism in dejection
Because it is a true picture
Of human frustration,
Of being alive...
In a room full of sunlight
One doesn't notice a spark
It needs to be dark enough within, and around
To pay attention to a single spark of light
To see the tiniest capsule of beauty
To have one's breath taken away,
And be surprised by its presence
And cherish it
That must be optimism...