Monday, May 17, 2010



Amongst the realms of my mind’s fantastic creations, yesterday, a dream showed me a possibility, a beacon of innocence and novelty in the sea of gloom…
A dream of purity I saw, and it reflected the ideas I carried unspoken. I saw myself as a child, a traveler wonderstruck at the temple of human apathy…
I will tell you what I saw, but do not judge it with reason…
I seldom reveal my secrets but today I’m being pushed by conscience…

I saw a dome, not of art, not of glass, not of any specific beauty, but of steel…
Then I saw eagles in flight in an astonishing array of military precision.
Before I knew, they alighted on the dome, each in a solemn position as if in conference.
Then they struck the metal twice in unison with their razor- beaks staring unblinkingly with their cold steel eyes…
They soared to the heavens and chanted their consensus which reverberated in the clouds…

I found myself in the company of an apparition whom I addressed as mother.
I asked her, “What do the eagles say to you?”
She said, “Child, they just cast a vote. The dome you saw was their parliament.”
“What were they voting for?” I asked her.
“They want to abolish terrorism”, she said.

“Ma, but, they can only kill a terrorist, how can they remove the terror in people’s minds? It needs to be weeded out.”
Ma said, “oh, you stubborn child, do not claim to have the power to understand such things at your silly age. Terrorism is a reflection of injustice”
I sat pondering at her words and the eagles’ votes not disturbed by the anguished look in Ma’s eyes.

Then I said, “Ma, I want to be a terrorist”. Ma’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “Why would you want that child?” Just think of what would happen if everyone was a terrorist” she said. I replied cheekily, “if everyone was a terrorist there wouldn’t be a target to terrorize. But don’t worry, I will be a terrorist with a change.”

“Thoughts are important to convince people of initiating change. I will not commit a deed of violence. The malady of injustice will be cured by the novel and powerful mind.”

“When justice prevails, revenge will fade. When pain is subdued, the ones who are hurt will see what a miraculous world they live in, a world that needs to be cherished by all.”

“The eagles have spoken to me; I am, but a mere messenger...”